Saturday, January 31, 2009


Yes saya marah. why? Because my internet connection is sooooo bloody slow!!! Wireless thats why its slower. Ugh. It has been like this since forever and I can't take it anymore. And now aku pakai cable. It's better plang but still not that fast. How annoying! SIGHHHHH! I can't even download stuffs cos it is going to take ages to finish. If I can't download, what am i supposed to do with my free time??? Nada tia kan ku liat. If this using-cable thing works aka it makes my downloading faster, I'm going to buy me one. So I will stop whining and complaining and cursing.

Today is the first day I don't have to think about work, the whole day. Well it began yesterday but I didn't have time to really think about how free I am because I was out yesterday. Yes, out. Out celebrating aka shopping. hehe. Didn't get much as I can't obviously. It is the middle of the month. I have to start thinking on how to manage my money. It keeps flowing out and I don't even know what I spent it on! Not good. So together we try. :D Buy less, more money. That's how it's supposed to be right? hehe.

oh oh I did something berhasil today. I cleaned up my room. It was such a mess! I spent a few good hours just to clean up my COUCH. yes my couch. It was covered with my stuffs sampai I couldn't even see the couch. Next, I need to do my laundry. Lastly, GET FOOD! I need to buy proper food, pronto. Kebuluran sudah. hehe.

Orite kids, night night. see u again. xxx

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