and I thought it was such a beautiful sight. I was in my happy mood. The weather was perfect, although it was a bit colder than usual, but it was just nice. Pleasant. I went in to my tutorial class and we had the last seminar for that module, ever. And afterwards, I went to the library to get some books. I placed some books which were loaned on hold and I am expecting them since last friday. Today is monday. And guess what? The books are not in yet!!! Good GOD! people! Be considerate! Ok maybe it is partly my fault because I leave things to the last minute but still. The library provides books so we can all share them, not be selfish and keep them way after the due date. Other people need them too! Ugh. I was in a jolly mood earlier but not anymore. And now tell me how on earth am i supposed to do a well-researched essay with good references when I can't even get my hands on the books? Ceh. Selfish, ignorant and inconsiderate people. If you think you still need the books why not just photocopy the pages that you need. It'll cost you the same amount as the late charges fee. It won't be that bad!! You don't possibly need the whole book. You can't exactly make references to the whole book can you? If you do, then you are probably plagiarizing. Return the books for many other people need them!
Yes I am annoyed. Tsk.
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