Saturday, January 31, 2009

another meal

Two down, one to go.

I have just handed in two of my essays and now I am left with one. I should be excited that I am almost done with all the work right? Unfortunately Im not. I can't seem to finish this one essay for an unknown reason. I have been like this the whole day. Demotivated. And it sucks.

The weather wasn't nice today. It was gloomy and cold. It's good to have a friend who own a car who can pick you up during days like this. If you have friends who own a car, use them wisely. hehe. So I went to uni with a friend (and she has a car! bagus) and she came to pick me up because I was saying how it was raining and all and that I might not be able to go meet up with her at uni. Suka ku paham ia hint ku. hehe. And we spent the afternoon in the library doing the research on this last essay. I am literally out of words to write for my essay! Wish me luck people for I need them.

Oh this post is also dedicated to c zuraime as today is his (errm 22?) birthday!! :D Happy birthday zrme!!! Too bad I'm not there to memeriah kan suasana and to eat the food. I heard banyak brabis makanan kamu. Rugi tah ku tu. hehe. inda papa, next time I'm there, I'll be sure to minta blanja. You with me yan? :p bah wish you all the best! :D

Bah kamu, I should sleep now. It's 4am. I will write a better post next time. This one is crap. (Except pasal c zrme punya birthday ofcourse hehe) okeh. Adios.

p/s: Good luck to those who are having exams! Berusaha! :p xxx

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